Writing Advice: Let Em get Away with It... Then Don’t: The ‘Perfect Crime’ Method for Constructing your Mystery

Let’s say you’re writing a work of fiction that includes a mystery element. Let’s also say it’s either a whodunit (ala Murder She Wrote) or a howlysolvit (ala Columbo). One method you might consider in crafting your mystery is sketched thus:

Construct the perfect crime: conceive of a scenario where the perpetrator pulls off the crime without error, gets away with it completely, and then lives out the rest of his life happy, healthy, and despicable.

Academic Monograph: A Groundwork for A Logic of Objects

The history of philosophy is rich with theories about objects; theories of object kinds, their nature, the status of their existence, etc. In recent years philosophical logicians have attempted to formalize some of these theories, yielding many fruitful results. My thesis intends to add to this tradition in philosophical logic by developing a second-order logical system that may serve as a groundwork for a multitude of theories of objects.