Mystery Novel Excerpt: Bedside Manner

Nurse-and-union-leader turned homicide-detective, Eminence Gray, uses her gifts of empathy and emotional labor to catch the most vicious of West Brandon's killers. Em's ability to maintain this skillset will be put to the ultimate test when the highest-profile murder case her department has ever faced falls right into her lap. Add to Em's troubles a corrupt executive from her union days, back and up to old tricks, and it might just be Eminence Gray requiring a little bedside manner... or a lot.

Murder Mystery Story Treatment: A Learning tool

Our story begins just after sunrise - a few minutes before the neighborhood’s safe shop opens. Outside the shop, a woman - disheveled, upset, insistent - pounds on the large glass window of the shop’s door. She shouts into the glass, something about losing a combination, her passport, a flight she needs to catch…

Frantic, she moves from the door to the shop’s window. Just as she leans closer to get a better look inside, cupping her hands to cut the glare, a man bursts through the shop door’s window. Bits of tempered glass are everywhere. The man’s draped - hanging half in half out. He’s bloodied and beaten beyond the cuts and nicks of the glass. He looks dead.

Academic Monograph: A Groundwork for A Logic of Objects

The history of philosophy is rich with theories about objects; theories of object kinds, their nature, the status of their existence, etc. In recent years philosophical logicians have attempted to formalize some of these theories, yielding many fruitful results. My thesis intends to add to this tradition in philosophical logic by developing a second-order logical system that may serve as a groundwork for a multitude of theories of objects.